Mystical Surreal Architecture - Was ist Metaphysik?

Michele Durazzi is a surreal artist based in Florence, Italy who creates imaginative and otherworldly cityscapes that blur the lines between fiction and fantasy. His work, which is heavily influenced by the architectural detail and the relationship between human presence and the scale and vastness of the scenes depicted, is a unique and captivating exploration of the possibilities of art.
Durazzi's most recent exhibition, "Was ist Metaphysik?", takes its title from the philosophical work of Martin Heidegger published in 1929. The exhibition is a storytelling through the architectural detail, and it invites the viewer to look beyond the representation of the objects and to consider the perspective that frames and contains them. Durazzi's work is a reminder that an object may not necessarily be superfluous when represented in its entirety, and that a detail can radiate consistency, which is both geometry and narration.
This exhibition is not only a visual experience but also a philosophical one, where the observer is required to rebuild the edges of the work, as if to compensate for an area of partial blindness. The work is a call to the viewer to actively engage with the art and to use their imagination to complete the picture.
One of the key themes in Durazzi's work is the concept of "dasein", or being-there, which is the keystone of existentialist philosophy. For Durazzi, any ontological significance is related to the subject that expresses it, both as presence and as language. The relationship between the human presence and the scale and vastness of the scenes depicted is a central theme in Durazzi's work, and it is what makes his art so unique and captivating.