Simone Bramante: The Dreamlike and Surreal World of Brahmino

By Carla DLM

Simone Bramante also known as Brahmino, is a name that has become synonymous with the art of photography. As a creative director and photographer, he has captured the hearts and minds of audiences all over the world with his unique and dreamlike narrative style. His work is a reflection of his deep understanding of the human emotions and his ability to translate them into stunning visual stories.

Simone's work is characterized by its strong emphasis on authenticity, values, and emotions. He believes that history is an incisive way of telling life's stories, and this is reflected in his photographs. From his use of vibrant colors to his subtle positioning and balance, every element in his work is carefully crafted to evoke an emotional response.

Simone's journey as a visual storyteller began over 20 years ago, when he first picked up a camera. Since then, he has honed his craft, working with communications and advertising agencies, and exhibiting his work in cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Paris, Minsk, and Milan. His photography has been published and featured in some of the world's most prestigious publications, including Vogue, Huffington Post, Corriere, Repubblica, Wired, Fubiz, Withnews Japan, Forbes, and many more.

Simone Bramante's work is a testament to his dedication and passion for photography. He is not only a master of his craft, but also a gifted visual storyteller. His photographs are not just a representation of the world, but a reflection of the human experience, and for that, he has earned the admiration and respect of audiences and critics alike.

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Photographize granted permission to feature photos by Simone Bramante


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